I apologize for the lack of pictures, I realize they are all the rage now...you'll have to suffer through my writing just as I did. If you've followed me on twitter or we've talked before about the future of search, you've likely heard me talk about how I don't believe the position of SEO really has much of a future left. That isn't to say I think it's going to disappear tomorrow, but there have been all sorts of warning signs indicating that if you hang your hat on just being an SEO, you might be struggling for a job in the future. Read More
It's not often I plan to post like this, but sometimes it has to happen. In case you missed the other 1,000,000,000 discussing this idea... Read More
The Point: Life = Stories = GREAT Content for cheap (sometimes).
There are few things in life that we enjoy more than a good story. Whether it's comdeic, heartfelt, intense, or just so stupid you can't believe someone bothered to tell it, stories are a crucial part of how we communicate and often stimulate many parts of who we are (emotions, physical reactions, our minds, etc.). They are engrossing and often not easy to forget. They build connections, create memories and reflect our concept of "life" in ways that not many other things can or do. Read More
When you go to buy something, why do you do it? Most of us would answer with something that boils down to one of the following, or some combination of the two: I want it. I need it. Read More
There's something I've been thinking about for the last year or so that's been bothering me. Something that just hasn't sat right. As I've struggled against what feels like an invisible wall of limitation in my understanding of how Google really works and how we should be thinking about SEO, I've contined to come across examples, situations, and research that seem to indicate the typical SEO paradigm that's stood for years is just too flimsy.
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